Assalamualaikum and 안 녕! It has been rainy this past few weeks and anglers like us find it difficult to fish at this time. Temperature and the salinity of the water has definitely change the estuary system and the fish would probably go to a deeper area. But since Sunday is the only fishing day available, I just have to go with luck. Like usual, my cousin Tyco and I went to our usual spot at 0630hrs. This time, I have installed VANFOOK double hook (which I bought recently) on my favorite lures so I came prepared. Lures I started to use was a Baby Cima 60MR-F minnow and it wasn't long that I got an early strike. It was just a small Estuary Cod and after releasing it back, I cast away and a strong thug took my Baby Cima. Reeled it nice and easy and voilà! a good size 500g MJ. Tyco however caught a good size Tarpon using a Rapala Shad Rap. The tide was about to rise and we decided to move to freshwater fishing as we were targeting Snakeheads. There, Tyco caught a small Snakehead and an hour later, I caught one weighing around 400g. Since Snakeheads have some healing and medicinal properties, we had to take it home for my brother in law who recently had an operation. As the sun were shining above our heads, the temperature were getting hotter, we had to called it a day. Sunday fishing was fun and now, I'm counting days for my next Sunday fishing (^^,)

Nice colored Jack with my Baby Cima 60MR-F
Tyco call this area, "Lubok Kaki Basah". Haha!
1st fish of the day, an Estuary Cod
2nd Estuary Cod using YO-ZURI HARDCORE and VANFOOK double hook
400g Snakehead on a hot afternoon @ Lubok Jalan Kaki. Haha!
It swallowed my Superior Frog lure
VANFOOK double hook #6 & #8
A real good look at it
NOTE: All fish were "Catch & Release" except for the Snakehead. Had to take home and cook it for its medicinal purpose. Until next time, see you again on Sunday. (^_^)
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