2Gs Fishing

Monday, 12 April 2010 0 comments

Assalamualaikum and G'day! Tyco (Duo Fishing), Rois (our paddle boy) and I went to 2Gs and caught 8 fish in total. We bought live prawns yesterday but some of it were dead by the time we got to the spot. I tried to use live bait and did it twice but was not successful. So I went casting instead and got myself a Barracuda, and 2 juvenile Jacks, using the same lure I used yesterday. When I got the first strike, I thought it was a Barramundi but as I reeled it in, it was a 400g Barracuda. Although it wasn't that big, it was strong enough to give a nasty fight. And the rest, I caught juvenile Jacks and missed around 4 times. Tyco however, caught 4 fish (2 MJs and 2 John's Snappers), two of 'em using live prawns and the other two by casting. Rois managed to catch a Jack using dead prawns and it was the 2nd biggest Jack compared to Tyco's 300g. After fishing, we went to my mom's and had soto for dinner. Alhamdulillah ...

First catch of the day

Barracuda using Halco Laser Pro 45

 2nd catch, a juvenile jack using the same lure

 Hat-trick!! Another Jack

 Total catch, Barracuda, MJ, and John's Snapper

Halco Laser Pro swimming

NOTE: All fish except the biggest Jack and Barracuda was "Catch & Release" and thanks to Rois for the muscle power. Haha!

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