Storm plastic lures and my "small" catches (^^,)

Tuesday, 28 December 2010 0 comments

Assalamualaikum and 안 녕! Just wanna update you with my latest catch which took place yesterday, Monday morning. Like usual, TK and I were casting at the mangroves hoping to catch some Jacks. But unfortunately, only small fish were caught but hey, better than nothing right? Recently I ordered new sets of Storm plastic lures which I bought online. They were 3½" Wildeye Pro Paddle Tail & 2" Wildeye Swim Shad. The 3½" is for me to test it at the breakwaters but since the weather and the waves didn't look too safe to cast, we decided not to risk our own safety. So the 2" Wildeye were the only choice to use for the mangroves and I caught an estuary Cod with it. Check out the pics below of my "small" catch and my Storm plastic lures. (^^,)

Estuary Cod ate my Storm Wildeye

Baby Jack can't resist my Baby Cima

Terapon Jarbua took my Ecogear pencil

Storm swim shad & paddle tail


Close up

NOTE: Fish was "Catch & Release" and looking forward to order more plastic lures in the future. Hehehe ...

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Sunday, 26 December 2010 0 comments

Assalamualaikum and 안 녕! It's been a long time since I updated my blog and I guessed some of you may have wondered why. I was busy taking care of my wife who was heavily pregnant. And now proud to say, I'm a father of a newly born healthy and beautiful baby girl, safely delivered on the 10th December, 2.03 am. My fishing days and time will have its own limit now and that means, no fishing until dusk. Well at least there'll be more fish feedings in the morning which is a good thing. Haha! I've kept some photos of my previous catch and since today I felt like updating, I might as well post all of my fishing pics. 

My casting session began yesterday (Christmas day) with none other than my cousin TK. I was using my new 6'6", 6-12lb graphite Shimano Compre rod pairing it with my Stradic 2500, complete with a 6lb test Berkley Fireline. After setting up my fishing gear, it was happy fishing time for me. The result was positive as TK caught 2 Jacks, 2 snakeheads and a big fish busted his lure. I caught 3 Tarpons and a juvenile Barra using Baby Cima (barbless hook) lure. And today, we went at it again but I was the one who is lucky enough to have caught 2 baby Trevally, a juvenile Barracuda, a Mangrove Jack and a Barramundi.

Yesterday's catch

 Self pict

 Juvenile Barra using Baby Cima lure (barbless hook) 

 TK's busted Abu Gacia lure

 Baby Trevally using Baby Cima

 Second baby Trevally

Juvenile Barracuda with the same lure
Small but fun

Jackaroonie and me

Jack using the same lure

Barramundi again

Baby Cima lure ... again

(Old pics I kept) Baby Jack using Ecogear pencil


Ecogear pencil lure.

NOTE: All fish are "Catch & Release" and if you would like this fishing practice, use barbless hook so you won't hurt the fish as much. (^^,)

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New Shimano Accessories (^^,)

Wednesday, 24 November 2010 0 comments

Assalamualaikum and 안 녕! Recently I deservedly bought myself some new fishing gear which I ordered online from the States (thanks to my wife's credit card. Hehe). It was a perfect timing as it arrived on my birthday which was on the 22nd November ‘10 and they even sent it at my work place. Anyways, the stuff I bought was a Shimano Blackmoon backpack, a Shimano reel cover, and 2 sets of Basstrix plastic lures. I'm quite happy to have received my orders and I didn't expect the backpack to look that big. It looked smaller when I saw the pictures on the web. Haha! Well, it doesn't matter, at least I can shove in loads of my fishing stuff in it. As for the lures, I haven't test it out yet, as of right now, work has made me tired and fatigue got the best out of me (I seriously need to get back in shape). If I do get good response from these lures, I will update you with it. I forgot to mention that I also treat myself with 5 sets of Storm plastic lure that same day. Haha! So below are some photos of my recent purchases and hope ya'll will get inspired to order it yourself. Hehehe ...

My new backpack

 Shimano Blackmoon

 The backside of it

A compartment to place your favourite plastic lures
It also comes with 2 tackle boxes
  Shimano Neoprene reel cover for my Cardiff 100A
 Basstrix 4" fat minnow (Silver)
 Basstrix 4" fat minnow (Purple)
 I forgot to post this pic. Just a small baby Trevally

2nd baby Trevally
NOTE: Baby Trevally was a "Catch & Release" and if you ever see a bloke with a blue Shimano backpack, you'll know that it's me. Haha!!

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Pending catches released!!!

Monday, 22 November 2010 0 comments

Assalamualaikum and 안 녕! Hi y'all! Sorry for the m.i.a (^^,). I've been busy with work lately and fishing have been very limited for me. To make fishing matters worst for caster is that more and more people swarmed the area we usually fish and it is sad to see that "Catch & Release" is not practice. It's no wonder that we don't see big fish around Brunei. Some people are just being ignorant and always making "walaupun damit, rezeki jua ... " as an excuse. If this habit keeps on going, I don't think we will see bigger fish around our estuaries and this could also effect the ecosystem. We better act now before the Jacks, Barramundi and other top game fish starting to decrease. So please y'all, practice catch, take a photo and release. Let our next generation have the chance to catch these fantastic fish. Only YOU can make the difference. (^^,) (I'm voicing out on behalf of one of my friend who is quite concerned and annoyed with the current situation. Haha!)

My first Chana Lucius (Snakehead)

Chana Lucius using Ecogear pencil lure with a 6lb test Berkley

Juvenile Barracuda, ... a baby really

Juvenile Jack, ... cute

Baby Tarpon, ... also cute. Haha!

I'm still having a hard time trying to find the English term for this fish (Kirong) so if anyone have any idea, gimme a shout at my chat box. 

NOTE: All fish were "Catch & Release" for other anglers to catch em next time when they grow bigger. (^^,)

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Gulp Alive Mangrove Jack

Sunday, 26 September 2010 0 comments

Assalamualaikum and 안 녕! Today's casting session started at noon, not the normal early morning. The lure I decided to use was a Berkley Gulp Alive which I haven't use for a very long time. Fish weren't biting that afternoon but around 1500hrs, Tyco landed a 400g Mangrove Jack using a YO-ZURI Hardcore lure (aka Jamie). Half an hour later, I caught a Jack around 300g. It was my first Jack using Gulp Alive and hopefully in the future, I will catch more using this fantastic SP. Encik Rahman who arrived around 1700hrs caught a Juvenile Barramundi using a SP. No picture on the Barra tho' and I don't know why he didn't take a photo before releasing it. Haha! As for Mr Marshmallow man, he didn't catch anything but yesterday, he did caught a Juvenile Barra. Those two boys were on fire!! Anyways, here are some pics, enjoy. (^^,)

My first Jack on a Berkley Gulp Alive
Jack around 300g
Last week's catch, a Tarpon using IMA lure
NOTE: Jack was "Catch & Release" so we'll see 'em bigger next time.

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Zool's big catch

Saturday, 18 September 2010 0 comments

Assalamualaikum and 안 녕! It's fishing weekend ... so Zool, Tyco and I decided to meet up at Sangkar Pak Rois. It was raining early in the morning but that didn't stop us from casting. We got there at around 0545hrs and met Zool half hour later. As we were casting, there weren't many signs of the predatory fish but loud chomping noises could be heard from afar. The only person who got a strike at that area was Zool, with a 1.2kg Jack. As he pulled the fish out of the water, we enviously watched him smiled and sang, "...dimulakan dengan Bismillah, disudahi dengan Alhamdulillah ...". Haha! Tyco and I didn't have much success so all of us moved to another area. There, Tyco caught one Jack, whereas I caught two Jacks and a juvenile Estuary Cod. That afternoon became very hot and our tummies were playing drums. Zool invited us to his home and his mom was nice enough to prepare lunch. The menu was steamed Mangove Jack (caught that morning) with chilies, salted vegetables and some sour stuff. It was delicious and Tyco enjoyed it the most. Our bellies were stuffed, and we thanked Zool for a great meal. So below are some pics and hope you'll enjoy. (^^,)   

Zool's 1.2kg Jack using a soft plastic lure
1st strike of the day

300g Jack using YO-ZURI lure

2nd strike of the day

Juvenile Estuary Cod using an Ecogear lure
3rd strike of the day

Jack around 200g using YO-ZURI lure

NOTE: All of my catch and Tyco's were "Catch and Release" except for Zool. Thanks again to Zool for a great meal. (^^,)

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Quick Cast after work

Thursday, 16 September 2010 0 comments

Assalamualaikum and 안 녕! Tyco and I went for a quick cast right after I got off from work. As usual, we went to the same spot and each of us caught a Jack and I also caught a juvenile Tarpon. I must say, using a baitcast really get you addicted. Although getting backlashed is quite common, I think I've improved slightly in that area. I understand that in order for me to avoid a bird's nest, I must educate my thumb or cast it gently by using my wrist (a bit like basketball when you shoot a 3-pointer). I guess I have to keep practicing until I get the hang of it or keep watching videos on YouTube. Haha! I still need to figure out how to cast accurately and that will be a different story. Well y'all enjoy the pictures. (^^,)

Juvenile Jack with YO-ZURI aka Jamie lure

Juvenile Tarpon also using Jamie lure

NOTE: All fish were "Catch & Release" cause there is NO POINT of bringing home an under size fish where they can grow bigger for you to catch next time.

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Beraya @ LRG7 with Tyco

Monday, 13 September 2010 0 comments

Assalamualaikum and 안 녕! Today is the last day of my 4 days of Raya break so I made sure I make good use of it before I get stressed out at work tomorrow. Haha! It was low tide this morning so we decided to go at around 1500hrs just when the tide starts to come in. It was worth the outing as Tyco and I caught 4 Jacks in total. All jacks were below 300g but it was enjoyable since we were using light tackle. Tyco was using Berkley braid, 6lb test and I was using Spiderwire INVISI-BRAID, 8lb test. I remember when I started fishing, all of us were using Power Pro 30lb test and it kinda make me laugh a bit when I think about it now. So for those who wanted to try light tackle, I would truly recommend it and from there you will experience the true fight of the fish. Anyways, below are some pictures from today's catch, so enjoy. (^^,)  

Mangrove Jack using my favorite ANRE'S FLIT lure

 Jack around 200g

My second catch

NOTE: All fish were "Catch & Release". Like I said previously, the fish wanted to celebrate Hari Raya. Haha!

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